Thursday, February 23, 2012

Christmas 2011

We started the Christmas season off by going to Bo's Dads house for dinner at the beginning of December. Will brought his iPad and trains to show grandpa and they had a wonderful time while dinner was being prepared.

Anytime the dogs cuddle up to Jeff, Will has to do the same thing.

The day after the dinner we went to the Vonn Trapp Family singers in Portland with Bo's mom and sister. After dinner, but before the concert we walked around Portland and looked at the lights. It was so pretty!

We went to our ward party the kids we supposed to come in pjs so I decided the day of the party to make Will some Christmas pjs. Will was in a bad mood that night and was pretty uncooperative throughout the night. He decided to sit in Santa's seat instead of doing the scavenger hunt.

Pouting when we told him to go up and sing with the primary.

And he acted completely unimpressed with sitting on Santa's lap. The funny thing is while waiting in line and listening to Mrs. Claus' story he was so excited he could barely contain himself.

Christmas eve was at Bo's Mom's house we played settlers and William was so happy to be with his Grandma that he almost choked her to death.

Christmas morning opening his stocking with Carly.

"Thomas and Percy! Thats what I asked for!"

So excited about the remote control helicopter that he had been asking for since July!

Grandpa and Grandma Nyleen got him spinning tops, they were a big hit.

Jake and Luke begging Will for a cookie.

We had a wonderful Christmas season that ended with an awesome Christmas Day! Will literally got everything he asked for, which I'm starting to regret since he started his Birthday list on December 26th.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

When We're bored we do random things...

For quite some time Will has been begging anyone who would listen to help him rebuild his lego train. The broken pieces of the train were mixed in with the millions of legos we have so it was a project that was going to take a long time so it kept getting put off. Since it is Christmas/winter time I decided at the beginning of December that I would spend a day a find the missing pieces and put it together. For the first hour Will was ecstatic helping me sort, but when we both realized that the trains weren't missing "just a few" pieces he lost interest while I was determined to finish. Two days later I'm proud to say I found every last piece of that dang thing and it is a toy that has been played with constantly Bo helped me the last hour of building because by that time I was going crazy not noticing pieces right in front of my face.
 Randomly last week Will asked me if I could paint his face blue with nothing better to do I did it thinking it was a funny request. After I was done he asked if we could watch Megamind. Once the paint started itching he asked me if he could be "William again".
And last but not least Bo took a geology class this semester and I helped him out quite a bit so I had volcanoes on the brain. Sometime in November Will and I were bored and found a Volcano how to on pinterest so we tried it out. Will asked me as we were mixing up the salt dough if he could do it all by himself since usually I'm pretty controlling in the kitchen he was really happy when I said yes. So he decided the dough should be speckled with all the food coloring we own which is why it kind of looks like vomit. Enjoy the video!


I found this thankful wreath on pinterest and decided to make one for Will since we always write down what we are thankful every day in November. Its funny the things that he comes up with like the first thing he was thankful for was and the second was Sushi, but he also said he was thankful for Primary and family so it all evens out. We went to Roseburg for thanksgiving and it was a lot of fun with lots of good things to eat Bo's Aunt made this amazing homemade mac and cheese Will was really excited about it. Another thing that Will got excited about was that during dessert another kid showed up and after the initial shyness he was running around and laughing with her. Bo's family doesn't have any kids Will's age so it was a nice change. 

These are the only photos I got of Thanksgiving because I was playing with a bored 4 year old most of the time.


This year we let Will decide what to dress up as at first it was an angry bird so I searched the Internet for a pattern to make our costumes finally found the perfect one and was about to purchase the fabric when he decided that he wanted to be Blu from the movie Rio. Since he was Blu he decided that I needed to be Linda and Bo needed to be "The Doctor" so thats what we went as. I used fabric for Will's costume out of a huge box of fabrics Bo's Grandma Nyleen found in her garage so it was Free I'm pretty proud of it because I didn't use a pattern just figured it out as I went. I was very lucky to find Bo's and my t-shirts and Bo's fake glasses in the Clearance section of Target and then I did freezer paper stencils on them for the logo so we spent a grand total of $7 on Halloween this year.

This is the inspiration for the yellow shirts

Will did Trick or Treating with his preschool on Thursday and the Trunk or Treat at the Church on Saturday so when actual Halloween came up I asked him if he wanted to go trick or treating and he said "No too much!" so we stayed home. The Sunday before Halloween we craved pumpkins we ended up with 4 pumpkins because Will brought one home from preschool. It was a good thing because one of them somehow rotted from the inside out so we couldn't carve it without it completely falling apart I gave Will a butter knife and let him dig holes into it while we carved.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

The Green Lantern

Will has been into super heroes lately so when Bo brought home a Green Lantern mask Will was really excited. This kid makes us laugh a lot.
 I found this idea on Pinterest and it is awesome! Just make a road out of masking tape for your kids. We played with this for like an hour. (The white thing in the middle is my sewing machine cover that Will constantly uses as a car garage.)

First Day of Preschool

Will had his first day of school this week. We have been counting down to preschool since September so when I told him on Monday that school was the next day he was so excited. I had no problems getting him to take his bath and go to bed. On the way out the door Will said "Mom you drop me off and then leave ok?" He was so serious it was funny. Last year it upset me that he wasn't clingy and wanting me to stay, but this year I happily left while other kids had death grips on their parents. Will and I both love our time away from each other he has fun with kids his own age and I enjoy a nice long workout, a shower with no interruptions, and I get some housework in before I have to pick him up. When I pick him up he runs to me and yells out "Mom I missed you!" which more than makes up for the lack of love during drop off. I would suggest preschool to everyone, it has been good for Will to learn that he needs to take direction from people other than Mom and Dad. I think it also has given Will confidence that he can survive without Mom always by his side. 

Cheesy first day of school picture.

After preschool I asked him what he wanted to do and he said "Go to the park!"
this is one of our favorite parks it has really cool toys I usually end up playing there and when Bo comes with us he and I do a really good job at embarrassing Will.

After the park we went grocery shopping when we got in the car Will started complaining about being hungry. I realized I hadn't fed him lunch and it was 3 so I gave him a bag of cereal while we drove to the other stores Will thought it was the best lunch ever! Since it was the first day of school I let Will pick what we had for dinner and he picked pizza which made me feel really guilty since it was pretty much a junk food day, but whatever it was a special day. 

Friday, October 14, 2011

My Mother Cut my Hair.

Recent conversation with Will after Bo took him to get his hair cut.
Will: Look Mom my mother cut my hair and now its Brown.
Me: Thats right your hair is darker because the lady cut off your sun streaks, but she isn't your mother I'm your mother.
Will: (giggles) No Mom my mother cut my hair and it turned brown!
Me: She is not your mother I am your mother.
Will: (giving me attitude) No Mom, Mothers cut hair your not my mother your my Mom.
I'm not gonna lie the conversation made me a little sad and not like a complete Mom since I don't cut his hair. That is until later on that day when he asked to watch Tangled. The lady who cuts Will's hair (a miracle worker who knows how to cut all 4 different cowlicks on his head so his hair lays down) looks a lot like this
If Will's definition of a mother is someone who locks kids in towers for her own selfish reasons I guess I should be glad that I don't fall into the mother category. I'm very happy to be just a Mom. :)

PS The lady who cuts Will's hair is very sweet and ONLY looks like the young version of Mother Gothel she has no other shared characteristics with her.